Ruthie Zerai

Pursuit of Success


Hey there, I’m Ruthie

I’m dedicated to helping you become the person that you most desire to be. I believe that any change that you want for yourself starts through learning from the inside out.

I am passionate about helping people like you experience true self-leadership, your own power and ultimately unlocking your full potential.

I believe that it’s through working with your inner blocks that you can start moving past your outer blocks like fear, lack and limiting beliefs to show up as your full self and go after your dreams.

I am inspired by you taking the time to explore how powerful you truly are. I know that you can get there because of the deep impact that coaching has had on my life and that of my clients. I can help you do the same.


I work with individuals and businesses to help them get clearer, change habits and expand through a heart centred approach.


What to expect from the Coaching Process?

I work with committed individuals, companies and entrepreneurs that are motivated to take the necessary action steps towards the change and transformation that they’re looking for, even while fear is present. Coaching is an intimate and deep process that requires that you bring all of yourself into the safe coaching container that we create together. Coaching is for you if you’re ready to:

  • Identify Blocks

  • Get clearer

  • Move past limiting beliefs

  • Shift out of lack

  • Take risks

  • Shift your mindset

  • Dream bigger

  • Lead from your heart

  • Jump off cliffs

  • Create a new story

  • Be a Self Leader

  • Take action

  • Level up


The Method

My work is dedicated to helping people like you discover how powerful you truly are when you tap into the innate gifts and wisdom that you have in order to live your most inspiring life.

Together in a co-created space we create the opportunity to dream big and strategise about how to create the life that you may think is possible but aren’t sure how to get there.

The coaching process is simple, straightforward and powerful. The coaching session is an uninterrupted safe container where you get my undivided attention to speak and I commit to deep listening and non-judgment. Together we create opportunity for transformation through connecting with your truth and practice dropping down to your heart so that you can really and truly listen to yourself.

You are the curriculum in the coaching sessions, we look at all parts of your life and in each session we work with what you’d most like to work on in that particular moment. The only agenda is you and what is co-created in our sessions.

Coaching is a really intimate and deep process, the more of yourself you bring, the more transformative the process can be.

The coaching process requires time, dedication and honesty from you in order to achieve the type of change that you desire. On the other side of that honest, inward-looking process and dedication, is the light of change, new beginnings, new perspectives and new direction.

If you’re ready to share your dreams to make them a reality then you’re ready to work with me.


 Private Coaching


Are you ready deep dive into your personal leadership journey to create the life that you want and desire? Then private coaching might be for you. In our 1:1 sessions we slow down and look at all areas of your life. The sessions are scheduled bi-weekly over a 3 to 6 month period. The coaching container that we create together is based on a strong partnership where I commit to deep listening, non judgment and support in excavation of your truth so that you can start playing bigger in life. To get started I offer a complimentary exploration conversation where we together determine if coaching is the right fit for you.


First, let’s connect during a complimentary Discovery call where we meet to determine if coaching is a good fit for you, and where I get to consider how I can help you on this journey. The session is conducted via video (Zoom) or audio call (Zoom audio). Get in touch via the below form to schedule your call today.

Coaching for Companies

You can hire me for leadership coaching and workplace/employee coaching. The coaching can help your company and employees get clearer with goal setting, increase performance, improve focus, improve communication as well as reduce stress and introduce more mindfulness focused ways of working. The structure of the coaching depends on each individual company client, and is therefore tailor-made to each client. Please get in touch with me so that we can start discussing what type of support and solution that your company might need.


Client Testimonials

The coaching process has allowed for changes in the way I think, Ruthie and the process made me realize a lot about boundaries and building a healthy relationship to myself. I’ve also created a lot more routines of things that I’ve wanted to do for a long time and now I just make sure I do them. I see things differently and I react and act in a different way now, out of love, awareness and compassion. Ruthie is humble, knowledgeable, professional and most of all a great listener.


The coaching with Ruthie gave me a new perspective and better understanding of my own actions and thought processes. After the coaching, I think that I’ve gotten a lot better at expressing myself to others in my surrounding, which is important for me to be able to put my guard down as I tend to keep most things for myself. Ruthie is very easy to build a connection with and she really listens to understand which made me feel seen. I would describe Ruthie as authentic, perceptive and caring.


Ruthie has the ability to bring everything into focus. With her deep empathy and well-traveled wisdom, she helped me assemble of the pieces of myself into the greater context of my life, and gave me the tools to find power within myself to forge my path ahead.



Curriculum Vitae

 Education, Credentials, & Experience

  • Worked in International Digital media & Advertising for 12+ years

  • MSc, International Management, BSc International Economics

  • Trained Life Coach, ICF certified course

  • Experienced in cross-cultural communication, tri-lingual

  • Studied personal growth and mindfulness for over 16 years

  • Travelled extensively internationally professionally and privately

  • Background in Sports coaching (basketball)

  • Effective Self-leadership, lived, studied and worked abroad for 10 years

  • Community builder & Podcast Host

  • Anti-burnout warrior

If you would like to learn more about my professional background and experience you can view my LinkedIn Profile.